Saturday, October 24, 2009

Build a Baby

Everytime we go to Mission Viejo Mall, Adam begs to build a bear but I know that he will build one and forget about it the next day so I always say no. 
Well, one day I finally promised him he could make one, so we go in there and it is so cool how you get to choose the skin, and fill it with fluff and put a sound in it and finally, make a wish on the heart.  Adam-rush-a-lot was so not enjoying this process step by step..he was always one step ahead of the process because he was so excited to get the finished bear.  And then when it came to all the choices of clothes…he chose a simple Halloween cape and eye piece.  We were trying to convince him to get the cool batman outfit or Lakers warm ups but he was set in his ways…as usual!  So he names his bear Nuget (noo-get), and was excited about him for about ohhhhhhh 3 HOURS. 
After that, he was over it and it became Kamran’s toy.  I KNEW IT! I knew he would be so over it and it would be another $25 down the drain! 

Adam made his little build a bear, and by the photo you can see that Sal and I made our own!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Adam has always had a “thing” for music since he was a baby…he loves listening to cool new songs, and playing all kinds of instruments.  Guitars, tambourines, flutes, keyboards, drums, you name it, he has it and loves it.  (Well, some of these toys did not last very long…he is not very gentle with them).  When I don’t let him play his instruments, or when he has broken one and does not have it anymore, he makes up his own…from shaker bottles to whistles, you get the picture!
Sal ordered Adam a REAL drum set last month, and Adam loves it!  I feel bad that he is so limited on when he can play it…usually he wants to bang on the drums as soon as he wakes up but he knows that the neighbors are sleeping and he should probable wait.  Between Kamran’s nap times, his nap times, and then bedtime, there is not much “drum” time, but we try.  
This morning he played and was explaining to be what each part is…whoa…I was very impressed.  From the rack-tom, high-hat, symbol and drum, he knew each part and where it was!  Sal also had called about drum courses for Adam which I talked him out of since I think Adam might be too young.  He is three and don’t most courses recommend the child be at least four years old?  Now I am thinking maybe it would be a good idea to have an instructor come to the house and teach him the basics.  Decisions, decisions!!  

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Brotherly Love

Feels like it has been ages since I last wrote a post!  Life just gets so crazy and hectic sometimes...Crazy and hectic yet not a whole bunch going on.  I was able to manage putting together a few pictures of the boys.  Kamran is 10 months old now and he and Adam and getting close.  They play together and even fight over is really amazing to watch.  I am sure once Kamran starts walking they will spend even more time together. Although I have been super busy with creepy, crawly Halloween invitations for  Kreative Lil Invites, and am currently working on Christmas greetings, I am also putting together some fun crafts for Halloween and will be doing a couple a week..stay tuned to see how they turn out!!